What Does the LinkedIn / Microsoft Acquisition Mean to Your Career?
Simple. It means staying in touch with your most trusted recruiter is now more important than ever. Why? You are about to get slammed with a ton of CRM based communications. Talk about SPAM. My prediction is that with the acquisition, LinkedIn is going to become much more CRM rooted. This means that there will be keyword searches generated based upon your LinkedIn profile and you will wind up with a mass of communication that will just end up in your trash.
Yes, sure I’m biased. But the best part of recruiting is finding the talent to match the culture of the client-firm that is truly qualified, can actually DO the job, and WANTS the job. The only way to do that and break through the clutter is to hire a recruitment firm who has a focus, a history of success and can be a trusted partner with your recruitment efforts. Enter, MarketSearch.
I’m not saying that there’s not a ton of intrigue from this chair as to what the new tools will be in the future to help talent acquisition. You can still look for a new job using every media channel out there but that can also be confusing and lead to a lot of virtual clutter. For someone to take things to the next level, they’ll need to break through that clutter and do something earth moving. If any companies can do that; it’s these two.
So with all the new bells and whistles, thank goodness, our recruitment phones still ring. Marketing candidates and clients nationally who want to add to their marketing teams still call a trusted, experienced recruitment firm. There are no two ways about it. No PI test. No LinkedIn profile. No new App can outdo the value of human intellect, talent acquisition experience, and a proven track record of success. At the end of the day, it’s the human touch that sets us apart.
The good part here is that with this merger you will now be more connected than ever with your recruiter and to talent nationally. You’ll just need to speed read through the content to truly understand the value and what content works best for you. With 20 years experience in just recruiting for marketing candidates nationally the team at MarketSearch can guarantee we will call you with the best, most relevant searches that match your experience. We have stayed strong, grown the team and our clients always come back. They may take some time to look at the peripheral firms, app’s, start-up’s and every other new kid on the block saying they can do it better-faster-stronger. We don’t blame them but most of those firms disappear over time. While the talent acquisition landscape is always changing the ones who stay strong are the ones who deliver. MarketSearch delivers. Contact us today to learn more!